【奖学金】巴布森学院Babson College Master of Science in Management in Entrepreneurial Leadership(MSEL)创业领导力管理学硕士录取+40000美金奖学金!

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恭喜斑马博士客户获得巴布森学院Babson College Master of Science in Management in Entrepreneurial Leadership(MSEL)创业领导力管理学硕士录取+40000美金奖学金!



【奖学金展示】巴布森学院Babson College Master of Science in Management in Entrepreneurial Leadership(MSEL)创业领导力管理学硕士录取+40000美金奖学金

 斑马博士,斑马博士留学中心,巴布森学院,Babson College, Master of Science in Management in Entrepreneurial Leadership(MSEL),创业领导力管理学硕士录取,40000美金奖学金



【院校介绍】巴布森学院(Babson College),位于美国马萨诸塞州的巴布森公园,建成于1919年,为国际著名商学院。


巴布森学院是美国第一所获得认证三冠王的商学院(AACSB、AMBA、EQUIS)。巴布森学院的毕业生薪资常年位居全美前列,多次被Forbes, Economist, Money Magazine, Payscale等著名财经杂志评为全美最具价值和投资回报率最高的大学之一。




【专业解读】Babson’s Master of Science in Management in Entrepreneurial Leadership (MSEL) is the cornerstone of a successful career in business management. Throughout the full-time 9 month program, collaborate and learn among a highly diverse group of classmates. Your cohort will tackle real-world challenges through experiential learning—creating a new venture, consulting for an organization to solve its business problem, and exploring the global business landscape during a course abroad. You will emerge from this entrepreneuiral leadership masters program with problem-solving skills that will prepare you to lead with confidence.(摘录自官网)







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