【奖学金】雪城大学Syracuse University Master’s Program in Cultural Foundations of Education(CFE)教育文化基础硕士录取+50%学费减免!

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恭喜斑马博士客户获得雪城大学Syracuse University Master’s Program in Cultural Foundations of Education(CFE)教育文化基础硕士录取+50%学费减免!




【奖学金展示】雪城大学Syracuse University Master’s Program in Cultural Foundations of Education(CFE)教育文化基础硕士

雪城大学,Syracuse University ,Master’s Program in Cultural Foundations of Education(CFE),教育文化基础硕士录取,50%学费减免 



【院校介绍】雪城大学(Syracuse University),成立于1870年,坐落于美国纽约州锡拉丘兹市内,一所综合性研究型大学。

2022U.S.News世界大学排名第383名, 美国最佳大学排名第59名, 软科2021世界大学排名第601-700位。



【专业解读】The master’s degree in Cultural Foundations of Education (CFE) prepares its students to question, analyze, and deepen insights into the foundations of education’s relationship with culture and society.


Students in this program examine and gain expertise in a range of areas of scholarship that inform the study of education, such as race and ethnic studies, disability studies, international education, media and popular culture, histories and philosophies of schooling, intergroup dialogue, globalization and transnationality, gender studies, migration, technology and access. Drawing from the humanities and social sciences, we train our students in interdisciplinary analysis, critical theory, and diverse methodological frameworks. Each program is designed individually in collaboration with their advisor, based on personal and research interests, to foster critical inquiry into the cultural and social forces that shape issues of education and beyond.


The School of Education and the Syracuse University College of Law also offer a joint three-year J.D./M.S./C.A.S. program, which adds an additional emphasis on Disability law and policy. Students apply through and complete their first year in the College of Law before applying to the CFE program.(摘录自官网)






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