【奖学金】芝加哥艺术学院School of the Art Institute of Chicago(SAIC)BFA in Studio本科录取+52000美元奖学金!
斑马博士 (Dr. Zebra, Since 2010),深受海内外名校申请者的青睐!“定制化" 助你被“高于自身背景”的名校录取!
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恭喜斑马博士客户获得芝加哥艺术学院School of the Art Institute of Chicago(SAIC)BFA in Studio本科录取+52000美元奖学金!
【奖学金展示】芝加哥艺术学院School of the Art Institute of Chicago(SAIC)BFA in Studio本科录取+52000美元奖学金
【学校介绍】 芝加哥艺术学院(School of the Art Institute of Chicago,简称SAIC),建校于1866年,为当时在艺术学院方面的改革者,美国声望最高及评价崇高的艺术学院之一,在国际上享有荣誉及尊重。
前身为The Chicago Academy of Design。隶属于学院的芝加哥博物馆同纽约大都会博物馆齐名,以收藏大量印象派作品以及美国艺术品著称,如Claude Monet(克劳德·莫奈),Vincent Willem van Gogh(文森特·梵高)等著作均藏于此。芝加哥艺术学院和博物馆仍是国际公认的美国最领先的两个精密艺术机构。SAIC在2020年U.S.News&World Report《美国新闻与世界报道》的艺术学院排名中排名第二。在哥伦比亚大学的《National Arts Journalism》调查中被认证为是全美最具影响力的艺术学院。著名校友:艺术大师乔治亚·欧姬芙,迪斯尼创始人华特迪士尼,闻一多等。
The Department of Art & Technology / Sound Practices offers a wide variety of courses in the technological and sonic arts. It is a place to build skills, learn concepts, and ask questions through rigorous coursework with expert faculty who will support and challenge your investigations.
Each semester, AT/SP offers more than thirty undergraduate courses to choose from, covering topics that include creative coding, experimental sound production, virtual and augmented reality, game design, electronics and kinetics, software and hardware interface design, hacking and circuit bending, live sound and media performance, text interfacing with technology and sound, bio art, olfactory art, sound and media installation, light projection, acoustic ecology, sound for cinema, and many more.(摘录自官网)
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