【斑马捷报】亚利桑那大学 University of Arizona MS in Natural Resources自然资源硕士录取!
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恭喜斑马博士客户宝宝斩获University of Arizona MS in Natural Resources亚利桑那大学自然资源硕士的录取!斑马博士留学中心专门整理了University of Arizona MS in Natural Resources亚利桑那大学自然资源硕士的专业解读,供大家参考。

【OFFER展示】University of Arizona MS in Natural Resources亚利桑那大学自然资源硕士

斑马博士,斑马博士留学中心,University of Arizona ,MS in Natural Resources,亚利桑那大学,自然资源硕士

【学校介绍】The University of Arizona 亚利桑那大学,“公立常春藤”大学之一, US NEWS 世界大学排名#77.

【专业解读】Our research answers important questions about how ecosystems respond under environmental or human pressures. We develop strategies to help mitigate the effects of these pressures, helping to create and maintain healthy and sustainable ecological systems. Our research focuses on ecosystem function, conservation biology and natural resource management, from local to continental scales, using cutting-edge geospatial technologies and modeling to develop new ways to protect our most valuable resources.(摘录自官网)


以上为斑马博士留学中心整理的专业相关信息, 更多咨询可联系助手 UU(微信/电话: 18516215846) Jason (电话/微信:17717381037) 免费咨询 。