【斑马捷报】兰卡斯特大学Lancaster University MSc Human Resource Management 人力资源管理硕士录取!
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恭喜斑马博士客户宝宝斩获兰卡斯特大学Lancaster University MSc Human Resource Management 人力资源管理硕士的录取! 斑马博士留学中心专门整理了兰卡斯特大学Lancaster University MSc Human Resource Management 人力资源管理硕士的详细的专业解读,供大家参考。

【Offer展示】兰卡斯特大学Lancaster University MSc Human Resource Management 人力资源管理硕士

兰卡斯特大学、Lancaster University、 MSc Human Resource Management、 人力资源管理硕士、斑马博士、斑马博士留学中心

学校介绍】 兰卡斯特大学(Lancaster University)在2019泰晤士报大学排名全英第6位,2020年QS世界大学排名中居第128位 ,2020年泰晤士高等教育世界大学排名中居第139位。其管理学院是拥有AACSB、AMBA、EQUIS和SBC四重认证的顶尖商学院之一,也是英国仅有的两所六星商学院之一(另一所为LBS),是N8大学联盟成员之一。


You will study HR concepts such as recruitment and selection, careers and wellbeing as well as Employment Relations issues such as the importance of equality and diversity. We will look at how contemporary organisations function and manage organisational change.Our graduates leave able to manage people effectively and make sound judgements through conceptual and analytical understanding. Many progress to general management roles, HR management roles or into further academic study.(摘录自官网)


Analysing management in practice


Employment Relations

Human Resource Management I: Contexts, Controversies and Critiques

Human Resource Management II: The rise and growth of HRM

International Human Resource Management

Organisations in the 21st Century: New Forms of Organising in the Contemporary World

Quantitative Methods in Management Practices

The Management of Organisational Change: Challenges and Debates

The rise of management ideas and concepts

Advanced Study and Professional Skills

以上为斑马博士留学中心整理, 更多咨询可联系助手 UU(微信/电话: 18516215846) Jason (电话/微信:17717381037)免费咨询。