【斑马博士捷报+录取参考+专业解读】帝国理工学院mperial College London MSc Business Analytics Offer1商业分析理学硕士
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恭喜斑马博士的客户获得Imperial College London (IC) Business Aanalytics 帝国理工学院商业分析理学硕士专业的录取!斑马博士留学中心专门整理了Imperial College London (IC) Business Aanalytics帝国理工学院商业分析理学硕士专业 的专业解读,供大家参考。

录取背景: York University (UK), Accounting and Finance 本科, 均分76, 3段实习 (咨询公司、大公司运营岗位、银行), 无GMAT, 社团活动若干。

OFFER展示:Imperial College London Business Aanalytics帝国理工学院商业分析理学硕士

Imperial College London, Business Aanalytics,IC,帝国理工学院,商业分析理学硕士

学校介绍:IC,全称:Imperial College London,帝国理工学院,英国G5顶尖名校,三重认证的商学院之一,地处伦敦,QS世界排名# 8.

专业解读:Our MSc in Business Analytics enables recent graduates and early career professionals to understand the content, importance and relevance of big data problems facing businesses and will be familiar with a variety of statistical, operation research and machine learning techniques needed to solve them.Combining academic rigour and practical relevance, you will learn from experts in our leading faculty how to apply the latest academic thinking and analytical and computing tools to help make business decisions.(摘录自官网)




主要课程:该专业分为Full-time on-campus和Part-time online两个类型。

Full-time on-campus包括 PRE-STUDY MODULES:Accounting Primer、Finance Primer、Pre-Programme Maths

Full-time on-campus CORE MODULES:

Analytics in Business

Data Structures and Algorithms

Fundamentals of Database Technologies

Machine Learning

Maths and Statistics Foundations for Analysis

Network Analytics

Optimisation and Decision Models

Statistics and Econometrics


Part-time online CORE MODULES :

Accounting and Finance Primers

Analytics in Business

Data Structures and Algorithms

Fundamentals of Database Technologies

Machine Learning

Maths and Statistics Foundations for Analysis

Maths Primer(not assessed)

Network Analytics

Optimisation and Decision Models

Plagiarism Awareness(not assessed)

Statistics and Econometrics



Full-time on-campus:


Part-time online:


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