【斑马博士捷报】伦敦大学金史密斯学院Goldsmiths University of London传媒专业预科+主课(预科:International Foundation Certificate in Media, Culture and Society+主课:BA (Hons) Media & Communications)录取!
恭喜斑马博士客户宝宝获得伦敦大学金史密斯学院Goldsmiths University of London传媒专业预科+主课(预科:International Foundation Certificate in Media, Culture and Society+主课:BA (Hons) Media & Communications)录取!​

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恭喜斑马博士客户宝宝获得伦敦大学金史密斯学院Goldsmiths University of London传媒专业预科+主课(预科:International Foundation Certificate in Media, Culture and Society+主课:BA (Hons) Media & Communications)录取!斑马博士整理了伦敦大学金史密斯学院Goldsmiths University of London传媒专业预科+主课(预科:International Foundation Certificate in Media, Culture and Society+主课:BA (Hons) Media & Communications)的详细的专业解读,供大家参考。

【Offer展示】伦敦大学金史密斯学院Goldsmiths University of London传媒专业预科+主课(预科:International Foundation Certificate in Media, Culture and Society+主课:BA (Hons) Media & Communications)

伦敦大学金史密斯学院、Goldsmiths University of London、预科:International Foundation Certificate in Media, Culture and Society、主课:BA Media & Communications)

学校介绍】 伦敦大学金史密斯学院(Goldsmiths, University of London),又译金匠学院,Goldsmiths是伦敦大学联盟的一份子,被英国学生票选为最有创意和政治性的大学之一。根据来自英国教育部门的权威排名,2014年英国Research Excellence Framework (REF 2014,前RAE排名),Goldsmiths传播与媒体综合排名全英前三名。由于金史密斯学院专攻艺术和传媒的特殊性质,在许多世界综合大学排名常常表现不佳甚至并未上榜 ;但在专业排名方面,在2020QS世界大学学科排名中,金史密斯学院传播与媒体学排名全球第7,全英第2,其中“学术声誉”排名全球第2;艺术与设计排名全球第14,全英第4;社会学排名全球第42,全英第6;人类学排名全球第49,全英第9;表演艺术排名全球61,全英15。 除此以外,金匠的计算机科学、英语语言文学、历史学、政治学、心理学均属于英国一流水平。

预科解读】 This one-year programme gives you the opportunity to develop your English language, become familiar with UK academic culture, and prepare to study for a BA degree in Anthropology, Sociology, Educational Studies or Media and Communications.It is useful for students who may not have a clear idea of exactly which subject they want to study. The programme enables you to attend lectures or choose modules in which you have a broad general interest and, with the help of the tutorial support, clarify your future area of study.

Two core modules concentrate on different areas of language development:

Academic Writing




A further module integrates inter-disciplinary content with language and study skills development, and you will also select two option modules offered by various academic departments across Goldsmiths, including the Department of Media and Communications. The option modules will offer you a taste of undergraduate study at Goldsmiths.(摘录自官网)

【衔接主课介绍】BA (Hons) Media & Communications

The degree consists of 50% media theory and 50% media practice. We aim to provide an inspirational learning experience in which theory and practice influence and enrich each other in the production of original creative and intellectual work.

Far more than just a media degree this programme incorporates philosophical perspectives on technology and human life as well as sociological approaches to media production.

We look at issues of identity through critical race studies, queer theory and critiques of post-feminism. We investigate global screen cultures and also the role of news in democracy. All of this, together with critical, creative practice in production equips our students to be the thinking media practitioners of the future.(摘录自官网)


Media History and Politics

Culture and Cultural Studies

Key Debates in Media Studies

Film and the Audiovisual: Theory and Analysis

Media Arts



Psychology, Subjectivity and Power

Media, Modernity and Social Thought


Culture, Society and the Individual

Moving Image and Spectatorship

Money, Society, and Culture

Media, Memory and Conflict

Television and After

Media Practice:Media Production Option 2


Structure of Contemporary Political Communication

Race, Empire and Nation

The City and Consumer Culture

Music as Communication and Creative Practice

Embodiment and Experience

Media Law and Ethics

Media, Ritual and Contemporary Public Cultures

Promotional Culture

Politics of the Audiovisual

Social Media in Everyday Life

Media Geographies


以上为斑马博士留学中心整理, 更多咨询可联系助手 UU(微信/电话: 18516215846) Jason (电话/微信:17717381037)免费咨询。