【斑马博士捷报+录取参考+专业解读】 Chinese University of Hong Kong(CUHK) MA Cultural Management 香港中文大学文化管理硕士
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恭喜斑马博士的客户获得香港中文大学 Chinese University of Hong Kong MA Cultural Management 录取! 斑马博士留学中心专门整理了香港中文大学Chinese University of Hong Kong MA Cultural Management 这个专业的录取数据,并附上详细的专业解读,供大家参考。


录取背景: 中国传媒大学, 传媒专业, 均分87, 雅思6.5, 实习三段(总政歌舞团、传媒公司、艺术展), 课外活动(艺术团、北京传统文化传播项目使者、微电影)

OFFER展示:Chinese University of Hong Kong(CUHK) MA Cultural Management


学校介绍:CUHK全称The Chinese University of Hong Kong 香港中文大学,QS世界排名 # 46

专业解读:The outstanding characteristic of a solution is its identification culture management is not only a management technology research It is a kind of cultural mediation touches such as professional ethics problems of cultural rights, cultural identity, as well as the political interference of the social and cultural representation of course graduates are expected to exceed managers or technicians They are trained is a cultural mediator role, explain to define communication and maintain cultural Bridges the gap between art and the public is thought to be the translation of culture, culture completely, the most important of all, members of the community of cultural rights defenders(摘录自官网)


Concepts of Contemporary Culture

Cultural Development and Policy



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