【斑马博士捷报】南安普顿大学University of Southampton MA Global Media Management 全球媒体管理硕士录取+3000英镑学费减免奖学金!
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恭喜斑马博士客户斩获南安普顿大学University of Southampton MA Global Media Management 全球媒体管理硕士录取+3000英镑学费减免奖学金! 斑马博士留学中心专门整理了南安普顿大学University of Southampton MA Global Media Management 全球媒体管理硕士的详细的专业解读,供大家参考。

【offer展示】南安普顿大学University of Southampton MA Global Media Management 全球媒体管理硕士+3000英镑学费减免奖学金

斑马博士、斑马博士留学中心、南安普顿大学、University of Southampton 、MA Global Media Management 、全球媒体管理硕士、奖学金

斑马博士、斑马博士留学中心、南安普顿大学、University of Southampton 、MA Global Media Management 、全球媒体管理硕士、奖学金

【院校介绍】南安普顿大学(University of Southampton),英国罗素大学集团创始成员,世界大学联盟、科学与工程南联盟 、国际大学气候联盟、世界港口城市大学联盟、RENKEI成员。南安普顿大学商学院是获得AACSB和AMBA双重国际认证的精英商学院。2022QS世界大学排名第77位 ;2022U.S. News世界大学排名英国排名第11位 ,世界第97位;2020泰晤士高等教育“黄金时代”大学排名英国第2位,世界第11位 。

【专业解读】Digital media has transformed the way we make and consume news, entertainment and communication. On this UK master's course in global media management you’ll learn how to analyse this fast-changing landscape - and influence its development. You’ll explore critical concepts through in-depth research and practical projects, preparing you for success in the global creative and communications industries.Discover the social, cultural, political and technological impact of the changes brought about by digital media.On this MA course you'll develop in-depth understanding of how people engage with the world through the internet, social networks, press and mobile media.Real-life case studies will help you examine organisations’ communications strategies, learning how ideas are developed and how users respond to them. 


Critical Media Practice
Final Project (Global Media Management)
Global Media 1: Ideas and Debates
Global Media 2: Industries and Technologies
Professional and Academic Skills 1
Professional and Academic Skills 2


Creative Thinking and Problem Solving
Digital Cultures
Experimental Publishing
Exploring the Visual Language of Display
Global Marketing
Sustainability in Business and Design
Visual Culture

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