【斑马博士捷报】剑桥大学 University of Cambridge MPhil in Education(Arts,Creativity and Education)(ACE)教育(艺术,创意与教育)哲学硕士录取!
恭喜斑马博士客户获得剑桥大学 University of Cambridge MPhil in Education(Arts,Creativity and Education)(ACE)教育(艺术,创意与教育)哲学硕士录取!

斑马博士 (Dr. Zebra, Since 2010), 多年来深受海内外名校申请者的青睐!“定制化" 助你被“高于自身背景”的名校录取!


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恭喜斑马博士客户获得剑桥大学 University of Cambridge MPhil in Education(Arts,Creativity and Education)教育(艺术,创意与教育)哲学硕士录取!

斑马博士留学中心专门整理了剑桥大学 University of Cambridge MPhil in Education(Arts,Creativity and Education)教育(艺术,创意与教育)哲学硕士的详细的专业解读,供大家参考。



Offer展示】剑桥大学 University of Cambridge MPhil in Education(Arts,Creativity and Education)教育(艺术,创意与教育)哲学硕士



 小客户  英本七十 三段大厂实习,这个背景,不算特别strong,剑桥可能录取,可能不录取对吧~ 

 但是既然录取,一定是有值得我们学习的地方:小客户的实习,有语言教育, visual art及数字化创新, 还有一段教学测算(统计学),还有两篇署名论文。  不提前个两年开始准备 这些经历跟成果根本做不来 

 其次 有想过为什么学生经历会涉及这三方面吗?因为互补,且fit你所申请的专业,不是申请教育就三段实习都在培训机构,这样的经历设计与规划,一定是有专业的申请团队指点的,而不是闭眼做实习,等到你回头来看自己的经历package,你会发现,同样是申请者,package的组合与挖掘,高低立现,这也是我们提前规划的意义!

 光靠高分录取牛剑的时代 早过去了


剑桥大学(University of Cambridge), 是罗素大学集团、金三角名校、G5成员,全球大学高研院联盟2023年QS排名#2.



The Arts, Creativity and Education (ACE) thematic route offers students the opportunity to explore urgent themes in arts and education research taking place globally today.  By ‘urgent’, we mean contemporary debates, practices, policy agendas and epistemic dialogues currently shaping the way art and education are practiced across a variety of contexts, that we might want to further explore or that we are committed to changing.  It includes contributions from specialists in a range of disciplines, including performing arts, drama, theatre, visual art, design and technology. This course recognises that artistic practices can serve as an essential research tool in our respective fields and therefore makes available studio and performance facilities as well as alternative forms of assessment.(摘录自官网)






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