【斑马博士捷报】澳大利亚国立大学 The Australian National University(ANU)Master of Financial Management财务管理硕士录取!
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恭喜斑马博士客户获得澳大利亚国立大学 The Australian National University(ANU)Master of Financial Management财务管理硕士录取!



Offer展示】澳大利亚国立大学 The Australian National University(ANU)Master of Financial Management财务管理硕士

斑马博士,斑马博士留学中心,澳大利亚国立大学 ,The Australian National University(ANU),Master of Financial Management,财务管理硕士 





【学校介绍】 澳大利亚国立大学(The Australian National University),简称“ANU”或“澳国立”,于1946年始建,坐落于澳大利亚堪培拉,是一所世界著名公立综合性研究型大学,澳大利亚第一所研究型大学,现任校长是布莱恩·施密特,校训为“Naturam Primum Cognoscere Rerum”。

2023年QS世界大学排名中位居澳大利亚第一,世界排名前30;2021年泰晤士全球大学就业力调查排名澳洲第一,世界第20; 2022年泰晤士高等教育国际展望指标获得澳大利亚大学中国际展望最高排名,世界排名第16。





The ANU Master of Financial Management will equip you to excel in a business career anywhere in the world. You will gain access to leading academics with extensive industry and research experience. Courses within the Master of Financial Management have been developed in consultation with key industry partners in the finance sector, assuring you that the advanced skillset you will develop in the program will prepare you for a rewarding career in business. This program can be combined with the Master of Applied Accounting in a double masters. Please refer to the Master of Applied Accounting and Master of Financial Management double masters program information.(摘录自官网)







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