【斑马博士捷报】帝国理工学院Imperial College London(IC)MSc Management(MiM)管理硕士录取!
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恭喜斑马博士客户获得帝国理工学院Imperial College LondonIC)MSc Management(MiM)管理硕士录取!



OFFER展示】 帝国理工学院Imperial College LondonIC)MSc Management(MiM)管理硕士

斑马博士,斑马博士留学中心,帝国理工学院,Imperial College London,MSc Management(MiM),管理硕士 



【院校介绍】帝国理工学院(英文:Imperial College London),全称为帝国科学技术与医学学院(Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine),位于英国伦敦,是一所公立研究型大学。帝国理工学院以工程专业而著名。




【专业解读】Build your personal leadership skills and master a broad understanding of business with the MSc in Management (MiM). This programme combines interactive, applied learning with innovation, and academic rigour. It equips students with a strong grasp of core business and management concepts which are essential in today's fast-paced marketplace.


Develop skills around responsible leadership, entrepreneurial problem-solving and workplace-relevant technology. The programme will prepare you to work and lead across a broad range of careers in finance, consulting, and innovation no matter what your academic background.


As a highly practical programme, you will apply analytical skills and theoretical knowledge to real-life business contexts, choosing between a Consulting Project or Work Placement where you will find solutions to real business challenges.(摘录自官网)





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