斑马博士留学中心 -- 8年来深受海内外名校申请者的青睐!“定制化" 助你被“高于自身背景”的名校录取!
更多关于留学讯息点击 斑马博士留学中心 官网查看 | 联系资深留学顾问 UU(微信/电话: 18516215846) Jason (电话/微信:13816118458)免费咨询
由于跟英国伦敦艺术大学的合作关系, 斑马博士所有伦艺申请者均由合作渠道发送给校方,并会为学生争取到在国内的面试(面试位置非常紧张,机会real宝贵)
当然 除了与伦敦艺术这样的顶尖艺术类大学有合作,我们与美国的多所艺术类大学合作,包括Maryland Institute College of Art,Pratt Institute,Savannah College of Art and Design, Academy of Art University等。
录取背景: 递交申请,拿到北京面试机会,并提供Mock Interview, 以及分享答题技巧
面试结束 现场答应给Offer!
还懂得跟Officer有趣地互动 (真有你的 dear)
二次面试之前 还不大放心 又去跟进,询问学生的Study Proposal是否写好! Study Proposal写好之后,在外地玩耍的UU老师,还抽时间为学生检查英文的表达、翻译的准确性 (为UU老师的服务热情点赞)
面试结束 当场给Offer 填写OFFER个人信息 斑马博士继续为学生提供后续服务,如语言班,换Uncon,签证等事宜
offer展示:London College of Fashion(LCF)MA Pattern and Garment Technology 伦敦艺术大学伦敦时装学院模式和服装技术文学硕士
OFFER真身 (很少看到现场手写纸质OFFER 撒花)
学校介绍:LCF 全称London College of Fashion 伦敦艺术大学伦敦时装学院,世界六大时装学院之一
You will experiment with a range of digital and manufacturing technologies and techniques, materials and components in order to achieve your goals.As well as developing conventional and creative pattern cutting techniques, you will become conversant with digital pattern technology and you will explore digital pattern development through using 3D sampling software. You will also be encouraged to set up work placements which give you the opportunity to further your skills and knowledge and make valuable contacts within the industry. Your Masters Project will give you the opportunity to research and develop an initiative that breaks new ground in the field of pattern and garment technology. This project will be supported by extensive documented research, experimentation and analysis before the final outcome is achieved.For this course we are looking for students who have gained a good degree from a fashion design course and have particular interest and skills in creative technical processes. Other routes to the course will be for pattern and garment technologists already working in the industry who want to expand their skills, or creative fashion designers seeking to develop their technical skills to advance their practice.(摘录自官网)
Creative Technical Skills
EITHER Creative Pattern Design for Creative Pattern Cutting Pathway OR Pattern Technology
Research Methods
Technical Analysis (option unit)
Technical Development (option unit)
Collaborative Unit
Masters Project
以上为斑马博士留学中心整理的关于London College of Fashion(LCF)MA Pattern and Garment Technology 伦敦艺术大学伦敦时装学院模式和服装技术文学硕士这个专业相关信息, 更多咨询可联系助手 UU(微信/电话: 18516215846)Jason (电话/微信:13816118458)免费咨询