斑马博士如何通过文书定制、申请策略,让“双非本三, Netbig排名500+”弱背景申请者同时被伯明翰、兰卡、诺丁汉金融项目录取!


斑马博士留学中心 -- 8年来深受海内外名校申请者的青睐!“定制化" 助你被“高于自身背景”的名校录取!

更多关于留学讯息点击 斑马博士留学中心 官网查看  |  联系资深留学顾问 UU(微信/电话: 18516215846)  Jason  (电话/微信:17717381037)免费咨询 斑马博士,斑马博士留学中心

在这里,请我们重新定义下“屌丝”   没有任何恶意哦  ~ 毕竟斑马小编也属于“屌丝一族” 也是有自尊der!

屌丝逆袭,更多在指通过文书定制, 背景挖掘,经历包装,申请策略,被“高于自身背景的院校”录取的情况!

对于冲刺学校而言, 假如你文书很模板化,把自身经历毫无提升地“裸翻译”出来, 在专业与学校的筛选上,不懂得扬长避短,也不了解学校的录取偏好与背景要求(如先修课程要求、工作经验等),那么你更容易被梦校拒绝!尤其是那些可能被录取,可能又不会被录取的,也许你稍微努力下, 踮下脚尖, 就能够到你冲刺的梦校,一定要慎重、精细化地经营申请的每一步。

所以,在斑马博士,我们有能力让你的脚尖踮得更高, 去冲击“高于你自身背景”的梦校!

"屌丝背景": 双非,三本, Netbig排名500+,金融专业, GPA 87

伯明翰大学 (仅展示QS世界排名最好、对学校排名卡得最严格的伯明翰大学的OFFER)

学校介绍:University of Birmingham 伯明翰大学,罗素大学集团成员,M5大学联盟成员,QS世界排名79 

专业介绍: The finance sector is at the heart of the economy of every nation. The jobs there are interesting, challenging and highly lucrative. However, competition for the jobs is often very intense, especially in the area of financial management. This programme equips students with a broader, deeper, range of the knowledge and skills required for the jobs than any of its kind currently available - a valuable competitive advantage.

Students graduating from this programme will gain:

  • A critical knowledge of corporate finance and foreign exchange markets;
  • The ability to interpret and analyse financial statements;
  • The ability to use a wide range of financial modelling techniques to analyse data, conduct research and forecast variables;
  • Critical knowledge of the literature on entrepreneurial finance;
  • Skills for valuing securities, managing risks, and managing treasury departments;
  • A firm grounding in the research training and skills needed for starting a PhD course.

These knowledge and skills are in high demand in banks, insurance companies, stock broking firms and other industries in the finance sector. They are also in high demand in the treasury departments of many local and multinational companies.(摘录自官网)

核心课程 :

Advanced Corporate Financial Management

Corporate Financial Management


Financial Modelling Techniques

Financial Statement Analysis for Investors

Foreign Exchange Markets


以上为斑马博士留学中心整理的相关信息, 更多咨询可联系助手 UU(微信/电话: 18516215846)Jason (电话/微信:17717381037)免费咨询 
