【斑马博士捷报】 Pennsylvania State University (PSU) 宾夕法尼亚州立大学 PHD in Nutritional Science +全奖录取

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【It only deserves when you pay for your bigger dreams】US NEWS # 52 Pennsylvania State University (PSU) 宾夕法尼亚州立大学 PHD in Nutritional Science +全奖录取!

offer展示: Pennsylvania State University (PSU)  PHD in Nutritional Science宾夕法尼亚州立大学营养科学博士

学校介绍:PSU 全称The Pennsylvania State University 宾夕法尼亚州立大学该校是美国国家一级大学,“十大联盟(B1G)”成员,“美国大学协会(AAU)”成员,世界大学联盟(WUN)”成员,US NEWS # 52


Graduates are prepared for careers in basic and applied research in nutrition and in college teaching. The course of study is planned to meet the professional objectives of the individual student. Students may emphasize molecular and cellular nutritional sciences, nutritional biochemistry, applied human nutrition, applied animal nutrition, nutrition education, and nutrition in public health. Supporting courses are available in biochemistry, physiology, genetics, microbiology, biophysics, food science, health policy and administration, human development and family studies, anthropology, sociology, psychology, public health sciences, and statistics.Current research emphasizes minerals, vitamin A, lipid metabolism, metabolic disorders, nutrition and behavior, nutrition education strategies, evaluation of dietary intake and nutritional status, nutrition policy and health promotion and disease prevention across the life cycle.Facilities include well-equipped nutrition science laboratories with animal facilities supervised by a University laboratory animal resource staff. The Diet Assessment Center and the metabolic kitchens serve as laboratories for students in community nutrition, nutrition education, and metabolic nutrition.(摘录自官网)


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