【斑马博士捷报+专业解读】加州大学伯克利分校UCB PhD Transportation Engineering交通工程专业录取
恭喜斑马博士的客户University of California, Berkeley (UCB) Ph.D in Transportation Engineering 录取!并且获得了51711美金奖学金!

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恭喜斑马博士的客户University of California, Berkeley (UCB) Ph.D in Transportation Engineering 录取!并且获得了51711美金奖学金!

OFFER展示: University of California, Berkeley (UCB) Ph.D in Transportation Engineering 加州大学伯克利分校交通工程博士项目

University of California, Berkeley (UCB) ,Ph.D in Transportation Engineering ,加州大学伯克利分校交通工程博士项目  

院校介绍:UCB,全称:University of California, Berkeley,伯克利加州大学,US NEWS排名#21

专业解读:Transportation Engineering with the Program in Transportation Engineering (in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering (CEE)) enables students interested in transportation planning to acquire the tools for rigorously approaching transportation-engineering problems. In this way, the concurrent degree program enables those interested in the field to bridge the “process” and “policy” components of transportation studies in a complementary and reinforcing manner.

The concurrent degree program allows the qualified student to obtain both the Master of City Planning (M.C.P.) and Master of Science (M.S.) degrees in about 2-1/2 years. Students must be admitted to each department individually. Because this is a concurrent degree program, exceptionally well-qualified persons may apply to both programs simultaneously.

以上为斑马博士留学中心整理的关于这个专业相关信息, 更多咨询可联系助手 UU(微信/电话: 18516215846) Jason (电话/微信:13816118458)免费咨询 。