【斑马博士捷报】 Imperial College London(IC)MSc in Strategic Marketing 帝国理工学院战略营销硕士录取!(OFFER 2)
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恭喜又一个斑马博士客户斩获 Imperial College London(IC)MSc in Strategic Marketing 帝国理工学院战略营销硕士的录取! 斑马博士留学中心专门整理了2020年 Imperial College London(IC)MSc in Strategic Marketing 帝国理工学院战略营销硕士详细的专业解读,供大家参考。
Imperial College London (IC) MSc in Strategic Markting 帝国理工学院战略营销硕士录取!(OFFER 1)
【OFFER展示】Imperial College London(IC)MSc in Strategic Marketing 帝国理工学院战略营销硕士
【与客户的聊天截图】客户如是说:其他机构没有Argue Love Letter服务的!连Refer是啥都不懂!更没操作过! 申请G5中一所梦校 面试辅导的时候针对不会回答的题目做了深度的辅导与mock, love letter 也写,现在认识一个大牛能Refer ,想咨询我们怎么做,我们的老师提出直接帮学生弄了! 客户立刻发了个1500元的红包过来,说其他的中介都不帮学生做这些,让我们点掉! 说实话,这红包我们是绝对不能收的,斑马博士不能保证你上G5常春藤,但是却愿意陪你一直奋斗到最后一刻!
【学校介绍】IC,全称:Imperial College London,帝国理工学院,英国G5顶尖名校,三重认证的商学院之一,地处伦敦,QS世界排名# 8.
【专业介绍】Drawing on our world-class marketing faculty and thought-leaders in strategy, entrepreneurship and technology, our programme provides a uniquely ‘Imperial College view’ of marketing — i.e., one where marketing fundamentals intersect with the latest in technology and innovation, and where marketing science is blended with data-driven decision making.(摘录自官网)
Applied Strategic Marketing Report
Consumer Behaviour
Digital Marketing
Entrepreneurial Strategy and Marketing Planning
Finance and Pricing Strategy
Marketing Analytics
Marketing Consulting Project
Marketing Decision Making
Marketing Strategy and Finance
Quantitative Services Marketing
Relationship Marketing
Strategic Product Management
Work Placement
Accounting Primer
Career and Professional Development
Contemporary Marketing Practice I
Contemporary Marketing Practice II
Marketing Fundamentals
Plagiarism Awareness
Quantitative Skills Primer
Study Skills
Technology in Marketing
以上为斑马博士留学中心整理, 更多咨询可联系助手 UU(微信/电话: 18516215846)斑马博士官方电话/微信: 17717381037) 免费咨询。