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恭喜斑马博士客户宝宝斩获多伦多大学University of Toronto Master of Information Human Centered Data Science (HCDS)  录取 ! 斑马博士留学中心专门整理了多伦多大学University of Toronto Master of Information Human Centered Data Science (HCDS) 的详细的专业解读,供大家参考。

【Offer展示】 多伦多大学University of Toronto Master of Information Human Centered Data Science (HCDS) 


斑马博士留学中心、斑马博士、多伦多大学、University of Toronto 、Master of Information Human Centered Data Science 、HCDS

【学校介绍】多伦多大学(University of Toronto),简称:多大、UofT或UToronto,多伦多大学2020U.S. News世界大学排名第18名   ,2020THE世界大学排名第18名   ,2019软科世界大学学术排名第24名  ,2021QS世界大学排名第25名 。多伦多大学是美国大学协会的62所北美顶尖研究型大学中仅两所在美国本土外的大学之一。


【专业解读】The Human Centered Data Science (HCDS) concentration in the MI will provide students not only with the skills and knowledge to deal with complex, large-scale data sets and information systems but they will also gain expertise in user-centred visualization, ethics and policy. Students in this concentration will be able to differentiate themselves from others in comparative programs since in all contents of the new concentration, from the design to the implementation of their solutions, they will be able to assess the social implications of any solution.
While most data science programs that are being developed focus more on providing computational and statistical education, this concentration will integrate a human centered and societal focus throughout. Students will understand the fundamental concepts, theories, practices and different horizons in which data is retrieved and manipulated while they will apply new technological developments and realize the impact such developments may have on society.
Graduates of the program will develop knowledge of software principles and practices, programming concepts and techniques, data structures, and system development methods and practices.



Information Workshop I 

Information Workshop II

Programming for Data Science

Introduction to Statistics for Data Science 

Experimental Design for Data Science

Data Analytics: Introduction, Methods and Practical Approaches 

Human Values in Data Science



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