【斑马博士捷报+录取参考+专业解读】University of Michigan Ann Arbor MS Statistics密歇根大学统计学硕士
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近期咨询University of Michigan Ann Arbor MS Statistics(密歇根大学统计学硕士) 这个专业的客户非常多,所以斑马博士留学中心专门整理了University of Michigan Ann Arbor MS Statistics(密歇根大学应用统计学硕士) 这个专业的录取数据,并附上详细的专业解读,供大家参考。
录取背景: 985, 经济学+数学本科,GPA 87, 科研项目2项,科研助手,论文2篇 (三作), 托福105, GRE 325, 实习2段, 无牛推。
OFFER展示:University of Michigan Ann Arbor MS Statistics 密歇根大学统计学硕士
院校介绍:全称 University of Michigan Ann Arbor,密歇根大学,US NEWS 排名 #27
University of Michigan Ann Arbor MS Statistics 密歇根大学统计学硕士 专业解读:
The Department of Statistics offers graduate programs leading to aMaster's degree in Applied Statistics,The Masters program in Applied Statistics prepares graduates for careers as applied statisticians in industry, government, consulting firms, and research organizations. Course requirements include at least 10 courses for a total of 30 credit hours. While requirements include basic courses in probability and theoretical statistics, the emphasis is on statistical modeling and data analysis. A wide variety of elective and cognate courses are offered in the Department of Statistics and in other departments, includingBiostatistics,Computer Science,Economics,Industrial & Operations Engineering,Mathematics,School of Information,Sociology, and theSurvey Research Center. Most students take two years (4 semesters) to complete the degree, although it is possible to do it in 3 semesters. Students cumulative GPA must be 3.00 (B) or better to stay in good standing.
It is strongly recommended that prospective students have a good background in calculus and linear algebra and have taken one course in probability, one course in theoretical statistics and at least one in applied statistics. Students who have not taken these prerequisite courses are generally required to take them in the first year of graduate study, with no credit toward the requirements for the degree.(摘录自官网)
强调下,在美国Top30的大学中,统计学硕士项目一般招生人数都控制在30人左右, 所以统计学不是我们认为的那样 -- 相对冷门专业,所以好申请! 请注意,一点都不好申请!切记错误定位,多做university and program research!
以上由斑马博士留学中心为您整理! 更多咨询可联系助手 UU(微信/电话: 18516215846)Jason (电话/微信:13816118458)免费咨询 。