【斑马博士捷报】加州大学伯克利分校University of California, Berkeley (UCB) Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering Prof MS in Product Development 录取!
恭喜斑马博士客户斩获加州大学伯克利分校University of California, Berkeley (UCB) Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering Prof MS in Product Development 录取!

斑马博士 (Dr. Zebra, Since 2010),深受海内外名校申请者的青睐!“定制化" 助你被“高于自身背景”的名校录取


什么专业让小客户要放弃哥伦比亚大学、宾夕法尼亚大学、JHUoffer,直接无脑入读? 这就是UC BerkeleyMS in Product Development!这个专业课程结构实在是fancy,将工科、商科、创业、产品设计的融合地非常棒,在这个项目,你可以学到如何评估创新的产品理念、 分析结构化/非结构化数据,学习金融、营销、运营知识,并且将这些商科知识与技术转化成marketable products and actionable business strategies! 当然,选修课还可以学习一些关于数据资产化、knowledge management的知识~~伯克利不愧是伯克利~心向往之 

【Offer展示】加州大学伯克利分校University of California, Berkeley (UCB) Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering Prof MS in Product Development   

斑马博士留学中心、斑马博士、加州大学伯克利分校、University of California, Berkeley 、UCB、 Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering Prof MS in Product Development

学校介绍加州大学伯克利分校(University of California, Berkeley),简称伯克利。被誉为“公立常春藤”,U.S. News世界大学排名第4位,世界大学学术排名第5位。

专业解读The Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering (CBE) provides the opportunity for undergraduate and graduate students to obtain a thorough fundamental knowledge of all fields in chemical and biomolecular engineering.In broad terms, research conducted in the Department can be divided into the following areas: catalysis and reaction engineering, electrochemical engineering, polymers and complex fluids, microsystems technology and microelectrics, molecular simulations and theory, interfacial engineering, biochemical and bioprocess engineering, biomedical engineering, and synthetic biology. (摘录自官网)



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