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恭喜斑马博士客户斩获贝叶斯商学院 Bayes Business School MSc Marketing Strategy and Innovation 营销策略与创新硕士录取!

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恭喜斑马博士客户斩获贝叶斯商学院 Bayes Business School MSc Marketing Strategy and Innovation 营销策略与创新硕士录取!所以斑马博士留学中心专门整理了贝叶斯商学院 Bayes Business School MSc Marketing Strategy and Innovation 营销策略与创新硕士详细的专业解读,供大家参考

【OFFER展示】贝叶斯商学院 Bayes Business School MSc Marketing Strategy and Innovation 营销策略与创新硕士

斑马博士、斑马博士留学中心、贝叶斯商学院 、Bayes Business School 、MSc Marketing Strategy and Innovation 、营销策略与创新硕士

【院校介绍】贝叶斯商学院(Bayes Business School)隶属于伦敦大学城市学院,是欧洲领先的商学院,拥有AACSB、AMBA、EQUIS “三皇冠”认证 ,学校前称卡斯商学院(Cass Business School),于2021年9月6日起更名为贝叶斯商学院。

【专业解读】Fast-moving, skilful and critical to the success of any organisation, marketers understand consumers and create offers that entice them. This Marketing Strategy and Innovation course gives you a head-start.(摘录自官网)


Marketing Fundamentals

Marketing Strategy and Practice

Creativity. Innovation. Design

Market Research

Analytical Methods for Marketing

Consumer Behaviour

Brand Management and Communication Strategies

Digital Marketing and Social Media

Product Innovation Management

Technology and Marketing: Engaging the Future


Business Research Project

Fashion Brand Management

Storytelling for Business

Retail Supply Chain Management

New Market Creation

International Module: Luxury Marketing Strategy (taught in Milan)

International Module: Managing Customer Relationships (taught in Vienna)

以上为斑马博士留学中心整理, 更多咨询可联系助手 UU(微信/电话: 18516215846) Jason (电话/微信:17717381037)免费咨询。