【斑马博士捷报】加利福尼亚大学圣芭芭拉分校University of California, Santa Barbara(UCSB)Bachelor of Arts Linguistics 语言学专业录取!
恭喜斑马博士客户获得加利福尼亚大学圣芭芭拉分校University of California, Santa Barbara(UCSB)Bachelor of Arts Linguistics 语言学专业录取!

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恭喜斑马博士客户斩获加利福尼亚大学圣芭芭拉分校University of California, Santa Barbara(UCSB)Bachelor of Arts Linguistics 语言学专业录取!斑马博士留学中心也整理了加利福尼亚大学圣芭芭拉分校University of California, Santa Barbara(UCSB)Bachelor of Arts Linguistics 语言学专业的相关介绍,供大家参考。

【OFFER展示】加利福尼亚大学圣芭芭拉分校University of California, Santa Barbara(UCSB)Bachelor of Arts Linguistics 语言学专业

斑马博士、斑马博士留学中心、加利福尼亚大学圣芭芭拉分校、University of California, Santa Barbara、UCSB、Bachelor of Arts Linguistics 、语言学专业

【院校介绍】加利福尼亚大学圣芭芭拉分校(University of California, Santa Barbara),简称(UCSB),隶属于加利福尼亚大学系统,被誉为公立常春藤。2022U.S. News#32。

The Department of Linguistics at UCSB is internationally recognized for its innovative research. It is a world leader in its discourse-functional approach to language, a perspective based on the insight that linguistic structure and use can only be understood by examining language with an eye to its cognitive and interactional characteristics. The faculty is known for its focus on linguistic diversity and its active fieldwork with speakers of a variety of languages, particularly those of the Americas, East Asia, the Himalayas, the Caucasus, and Austronesia. There is also a special interest in varieties of English. In addition, the faculty has particular strengths in the relationship between language and cognition, the computationally-informed study of language in use, and the connections between language, culture, and society.

The department offers excellent undergraduate training, with small classes, personal attention, and a faculty that highly values its undergraduate students. The department provides opportunities for undergraduates to pursue individual study, original research, internships like SKILLS, and participation in faculty and graduate student research projects. Linguistics is ideally suited for interdisciplinary studies; students can use the major to explore particular areas of interest such as psycholinguistics, linguistic anthropology, the documentation of endangered languages, and the structure and history of specific languages. Many students choose to study abroad as part of their undergraduate training in order to develop their skills in another language and to become familiar with another culture



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本科申请,必须要提前几年来规划,无论是打比赛、规划经历、考标准化考试,还有发表论文做研究,都是时间的积累,并且不同阶段的经历,必须要呈现成长性,名校更在乎的是你如何在成为更优秀的自己,这些经历又是如何Shape Who You Are Today 

以上为斑马博士留学中心整理, 更多咨询可联系助手 UU(微信/电话: 18516215846) Jason (电话/微信:17717381037)免费咨询。