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OFFER展示】哈佛大学 Harvard University MEd in Education Policy and Analysis教育政策与分析硕士





【美研2023 常春藤Offer雨】哈佛大学Master’s in Education - Education Policy and Analysis 录取~~  去年的时候,小斑马发过一个介绍哈佛教育学院的推文,给了一些爬藤经验,今年我们就帮助小客户拿到了哈佛教育学院的研究生录取~~


【背景】美本,GPA 3.7+, 大厂实习若干,联合国education development program。


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【专业洞察】 哈佛教育研究生项目有5个专业方向,比如教育创业,教育政策等,且有6个concentration,细分领域,课程非常丰富,除了genera的教育相关的课程,还有创业、心理学、经济、 会计、金融(PE\financing)计、政策制定等specialized课程, 就业范围很广。

【院校介绍】哈佛大学(Harvard University),简称“哈佛”,一所顶尖私立研究型大学,常春藤盟校、全球大学高研院联盟成员。

2023年U.S. News美国最佳大学排名中,哈佛大学位列第3。


The Education Policy and Analysis (EPA) Program will prepare you to lead and engage in education policy development, analysis, and change in organizations and settings throughout the United States and internationally. You also will learn how to scale effective education practices and how to leverage policy in order to expand their reach. The program will provide you with the theoretical frameworks and analytic methods that will enable you to design, implement, and evaluate policies at the global, national, state, institutional, program, and project levels. Our program prepares you to work in local, state, national, and international sectors, as well as research and consulting organizations, think tanks, institutions of higher education, and policy advocacy organizations.  (摘录自官网)



Education Policy and Analysis | Harvard Graduate School of Education


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