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恭喜斑马博士客户获得拉夫堡大学 Loughborough University MSc Digital Marketing 数字营销硕士录取!

 斑马博士留学中心专门整理了拉夫堡大学 Loughborough University MSc Digital Marketing 数字营销硕士的详细的专业解读,供大家参考。


offer展示】拉夫堡大学 Loughborough University MSc Digital Marketing 数字营销硕士


【院校介绍】拉夫堡大学(Loughborough University)是M5大学联盟和1994联盟的创始成员。拉夫堡大学商学院世界排名Top1%,是同时拥有AACSB、EQUIS以及AMBA三重认证的商学院之一。艺术与设计类专业2020QS世界排名第24,全英第4,专业排名高于牛津大学等,专业排名高于牛津大学与伦敦大学学院。体育专业QS排名世界第一,ARWU欧洲大学排行榜第一,REF英国研究水平第一。传媒类专业卫报排名全英第一



Our MSc Digital Marketing is aimed at providing students with a comprehensive understanding of digital technologies and principles of digital contemporary marketing practices, which will allow you to address associated challenges in the ever-changing business landscape.

We live in a world where people and objects are inter-connected to each other through high-speed internet connections. Organisations desire to utilise this nature of connectivity with a growing empowered digitisation to gain competitive advantage in the way their products and services are offered to the consumers and enjoy increased profitability.

Our Digital Marketing MSc programme offers you to build your knowledge and expertise of digital technologies through learning social media analysis, data processing, information management, gaming, search engine optimisation and artificial intelligence. This master's degree covers various elements of digital marketing practices to help you create successful marketing strategies and to build up on a foundation for strategic marketing management. You will also gain an overarching view of the context in which today’s consumers, businesses and societies operate, including the technological and social challenges faced by individuals operating within the marketing profession.

Successful candidates will graduate from this Digital Marketing programme with the key knowledge and skills required to enter a variety of roles of digital marketing professionals to fully understand the strategies and techniques of market research and analysis, strategic marketing, consumer engagement, marketing communication, and international marketing.(摘录自官网)


Strategic Marketing and Management
Collaborative Project
Digital Practices for Customer Engagement
Digital Technologies for Market Analysis



Introduction to Digital Technologies
Digital Media Audiences and Markets
Principles of Data Science
Design Practices in Digital Industries
Information Management
Foundations of Artificial Intelligence and Data Analytics
International Marketing
Gaming Technologies and Systems
Strategy and Planning


以上为斑马博士留学中心整理, 更多咨询可联系助手 UU(微信/电话: 18516215846) Jason (电话/微信:17717381037)免费咨询。