【斑马博士捷报】剑桥大学 University of Cambridge MPhil in Management管理学硕士录取!
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恭喜斑马博士客户获得剑桥大学 University of Cambridge MPhil in Management管理学硕士录取!

斑马博士留学中心专门整理了剑桥大学 University of Cambridge MPhil in Management管理学硕士的详细的专业解读,供大家参考。


【洞察】剑桥管理专业一般prefer无商科背景的申请者,假如你是商科背景,需要仔细核对剑桥的先修课程,假如你本科课程跟他们规定的课程有overlapping超过3门,那就不能申请。这个跟IC很像,假如你是商科背景,不能申请Management,应该申请ICinternational management



【额外注意】不同学校的管理专业其实也不太一样,LSE有至少三个mgt的专业,、LSE Global MSc in Managementmanagementmanagement and strategyUCL mgtic mgt/international mgt文书都不一样,不要一篇ps 通申所有学校。



Offer展示】剑桥大学 University of Cambridge MPhil in Management管理学硕士




 BG英本,工科,一等,有GMAT, 大厂实习3段,有科研经历。




剑桥大学(University of Cambridge), 是罗素大学集团、金三角名校、G5成员,全球大学高研院联盟。2023年QS排名#2.




The intensive advanced study introduces students of this interdisciplinary programme to core concepts, techniques and debates in management. You take a total of 11 core courses and electives. The programme is aimed at students who have just finished their degree (in any discipline except business or management-related majors), who have achieved the equivalent of a first-class, and who have less than one year of professional experience at the start of the programme.

Educational aims:

to give students with a strong performance in other disciplines at the first-degree level an understanding of the academic discipline of management; and

to give students the opportunity to acquire and develop skills and expertise relevant to high-level management practice.

This is achieved by:

providing students with the guidance necessary to acquire a deep understanding of the theory and practice of management;

analysing, in lectures, discussions and written work, the key techniques, conceptual issues and debates in the academic management literatures and in the practice of management;

supporting students in the development of an understanding and a critical perspective of management;

providing teaching in a range of technical/specialist subjects central to the study of  the different branches of management; and

examining students formally on their knowledge of the theory and practice of management.








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