【斑马博士捷报】Northwestern University(NU)西北大学 Master of Project Management(MPM)项目管理硕士录取!
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恭喜斑马博士客户获得Northwestern University(NU)西北大学 Master of Project ManagementMPM)项目管理硕士录取!

斑马博士留学中心专门整理了Northwestern University(NU)西北大学 Master of Project ManagementMPM)项目管理硕士的详细专业解读,供大家参考。




OFFER展示】Northwestern University(NU)西北大学 Master of Project ManagementMPM)项目管理硕士

斑马博士,斑马博士留学中心,Northwestern University(NU),西北大学, Master of Project Management(MPM),项目管理硕士 



西北大学 Northwestern Master of Science in Project Management (MPM) ,主要针对建筑、房地产行业,基础设施建设等built environment,并非针对商业项目管理/工程项目管理(如机械、生物工程等),这个跟JHU Real Estate and Infrastructure 有点像(但还是不一样),如下几个A/E/C Business Management Construction Management、Real Estate Development、Sustainability、Transportation Management几个specialization. 录取bar不算特别高,GPA 3.5+,有相关专业背景,class size 60人。




【院校介绍】西北大学(Northwestern University),简称NU,坐落于伊利诺伊州东北部城市埃文斯顿,是一所世界顶尖的私立研究型大学,是十大联盟(Big Ten Conference)创始成员和北美顶尖大学学术联盟美国大学协会(AAU)的成员之一。西北大学在权威的2021年《美国新闻与世界报道》(US News)美国大学排名上位列第9位,2018年《泰晤士高等教育》(Times)世界大学排名上位列第20位,2017年ARWU世界大学排名上位列第22位,2018年QS世界大学排名上位列第28位。




Northwestern’s Master of Science in Project Management (MPM) program is designed to prepare qualified professionals for project management roles in the diverse cross section of organizations that facilitate the design, construction, and operations of projects in the public and private market sectors of the built environment.


This full- or part-time program combines education in essential concepts of development, design, and construction practices with functional concepts of management and behavioral science to produce a well-rounded and capable leader. It is designed for early to mid-level professionals and is largely taught by practicing professionals who bring a wealth of outside experience, case studies, and present-day challenges from this constantly evolving field straight to the classroom.(摘录自官网)





PROJ_MGT 401 Communication

PROJ_MGT 403 Financial and Managerial Accounting

PROJ_MGT 405 Managerial Finance

PROJ_MGT 501 Project Management Seminar

CIV_ENV 503 Materials and Methods in Construction




CIV_ENV 332 Building Construction Estimating

CIV_ENV 336 Project Scheduling

CIV_ENV 435 Cost Engineering and Control

CIV_ENV 436 Construction Contracts and Dispute Resolution

PROJ_MGT 402 Negotiations

PROJ_MGT 411 Commercial Land Use and the Regulatory Environment

PROJ_MGT 412 Project Funding/Global Capital Markets

PROJ_MGT 413 Transaction Management and Risk Mitigation

PROJ_MGT 414 Project Feasibility Analysis and Valuation

PROJ_MGT 415 Asset Management and Strategic Planning

PROJ_MGT 421 Principles of Project Management

PROJ_MGT 423 Business Development in the Built Environment

PROJ_MGT 427 Real Estate Development

PROJ_MGT 429 Program Management

PROJ_MGT 430 Construction Management

PROJ_MGT 431 Construction Business Strategy

PROJ_MGT 433 International Construction

PROJ_MGT 434 Lean Construction

PROJ_MGT 441 Sustainability in the Construction Industry

PROJ_MGT 443 Sustainability Strategies in Organizations

PROJ_MGT 445 Sustainability Policy and Regulatory Context

PROJ_MGT 446 Systems Thinking for Sustainable Design

PROJ_MGT 448 Metrics of Sustainability

PROJ_MGT 449 Economics of Sustainability

PROJ_MGT 451 Information Technology for Construction

PROJ_MGT 453 E-Business in Construction

PROJ_MGT 455 Computer-Integrated Project Delivery

PROJ_MGT 481 Transportation Context Sensitive Solutions

PROJ_MGT 483 Transportation Economics and Finance

PROJ_MGT 485 Intelligent Transportation Systems

PROJ_MGT 487 Management of Operations in Transportation




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