【斑马博士捷报】香港大学 The University of Hong Kong(HKU)Master of Global Management(MGM)全球管理硕士录取!
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恭喜斑马博士客户斩获香港大学 The University of Hong KongHKU)Master of Global Management(MGM)全球管理硕士录取!




offer展示】香港大学 The University of Hong KongHKU)Master of Global Management(MGM)全球管理硕士

斑马博士,斑马博士留学中心,香港大学, The University of Hong Kong(HKU),Master of Global Management(MGM),全球管理硕士 




【院校介绍】香港大学(The University of Hong Kong),简称“港大”(HKU),是中国香港的一所综合性国际化公立研究型大学,有亚洲“常春藤”之称 。校训为“明德格物”,对应拉丁文为Sapientia Et Virtus。

香港大学为环太平洋大学联盟、松联盟、Universitas 21、中国大学校长联谊会、粤港澳高校联盟、京港大学联盟、沪港大学联盟、英联邦大学协会成员,AACSB及EQUIS双重认证成员,是全球第一个界定出重症急性呼吸综合征病原体的科研单位。



The Master of Global Management programme at the HKU Business School offers a comprehensive curriculum that incorporates individual, organisational and national knowledge pertinent to effective management of global issues. Companies are starting to grow and leverage talents over the globe, which means that having the means and ability to work with people from different nationalities is becoming essential.


This Master programme is designed to help students develop global management problem solving skills and enhance their ability to manage and work with people from a widening spread of backgrounds in a global context. There is a strong industry demand for global management skills, due to rapid globalisation, and these skills are becoming an important competence for future leaders.


Students need to complete a total of ten courses. They may also choose to concentrate in the Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Stream according to their interests and career aspirations. Up to three elective courses may be taken from other taught postgraduate programmes offered by the School.(摘录自官网)





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