【斑马博士捷报】纽约大学New York University(NYU)Master's in Computer Engineering计算机工程硕士录取!
恭喜斑马博士客户获得纽约大学New York University(NYU)Master's in Computer Engineering计算机工程硕士录取!

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恭喜斑马博士客户获得纽约大学New York University(NYUMaster's in Computer Engineering计算机工程硕士录取!



录取BG: Top50 美本,CE,GPA 3.2+, GRE 320+


录取标准:官网说GPA 3.0+就可以申请,但录取者大部分都是3.5+


其实,斑马博士在去年还有个GPA2.8录取NYU CS的案例(点击查看案例详情),这些个低分高录的案例,充分说明了申请不只是看overall GPA, 也要看major GPA,还有你对某些学期低GPA、甚至是挂科如何解释,如何扬长避短, 如何将你的学术潜力挖掘出来,并且展示给officer~




offer展示】纽约大学New York University(NYUMaster's in Computer Engineering计算机工程硕士

斑马博士,斑马博士留学中心,纽约大学,New York University(NYU),Master's in Computer Engineering,计算机工程硕士 




【院校介绍】纽约大学(New York University),简称纽大(NYU),该校系美国大学协会成员 ,2021-2022年度,纽约大学名列U.S. News世界大学排名第30  ,THE世界大学排名第26   ,QS世界大学排名第42 ,软科世界大学学术排名第27  ;2023 US. News#25。




Computer engineering makes it possible for us to telecommute from home, check our e-mail on the go, and videoconference with clients from around the world. But laptops and information networks aren’t the only products computer engineers develop; they reconstruct genomes, design robots, and conceive software to make businesses more efficient.


At the School of Engineering, we want to place our students at the forefront of the telecommunications, networks, and microelectronics industries. The master's program in Computer Engineering gets you there. By teaching you the principles underlying the design and integration of computer components and systems, we make sure you have a base from which to launch improvements in the field.


Our collaborative relationships with industry and government agencies help you reach your potential, and you gain practical experience that adds to in-class explorations in a number of critical areas — everything from VLSI verification and testing to embedded systems design and computer architecture.


Many fields are open to our students, including information technology, computer design and engineering, operating systems and networks, computer architecture, and software applications, among others.(摘自官网) 







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