【斑马博士捷报】布朗大学 Brown University MS in Data Science(MSDS)数据科学硕士录取!
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恭喜斑马博士客户获得布朗大学 Brown University MS in Data Science(MSDS)数据科学硕士录取!


 BG】Top 50美本,数学本科, GPA3.8+ ,GRE310+



Brown布朗大学的数据科学硕士(Data Science, SCM Program,STEM专业)通过研究数学、统计学和计算机科学,包括机器学习、数据挖掘、数据可视化和数据管理,向学生传授数据科学的方法和算法。

申请该项目官方给到的建议是GPA3.0+,并且不再需要提交GRE成绩,那么真的不卷吗?官方公布的数据是:每年会【700-800】份申请,但是class size是【40-45】人,录取率低至【5%】!

在申请之前,你首先的检查下自己是否满足项目的先修课程要求。虽然改专业没有明确说明必须上哪些先修课程,但是math, statistics, and computing 必不可少,比如至少1学年的微积分、两学期的线性代数、一学期基于微积分的概率和统计



offer展示】布朗大学 Brown University MS in Data Science(MSDS)数据科学硕士

斑马博士,斑马博士留学中心,布朗大学, Brown University, MS in Data Science(MSDS),数据科学硕士 



【院校介绍】布朗大学 (英语: Brown University, 拉丁语: Universitas Brunensis) 创立于1764年,是美国第七所在建国前成立的大学。坐落于罗得岛州首府普罗维登斯市,布朗大学是一所私立研究型大学,亦是八所常春藤盟校之一。

布朗大学以其小而精的教学理念著称于世,高度重视本科教育和学生的学术写作能力,位列2021U.S. News美国大学本科教育第1名以及2023U.S. News跨学科写作第1名。在综合排名方面,布朗大学位列2023U.S. News全美最佳大学第9名。

除了拥有全美顶级的传统人文社科,布朗大学的应用数学专业位列U.S. News全美第4名,公共政策和全球研究专业位列Niche全美第3名、环境科学专业第4名、公共卫生专业第5名。




【专业解读】The Data Science Institute at Brown offers a master's program that prepares students from a wide range of disciplinary backgrounds for distinctive careers in data science.


Extracting meaning and value from increasingly complex and voluminous data requires a specific set of skills, methods and tools that together form the emerging discipline of data science. Data science integrates foundational elements from computer science, mathematics and statistics, and combines them meaningfully with deep domain–area knowledge.


Brown’s data science master's program educates students in the methods and algorithms of data science, through a study of relevant topics in mathematics, statistics and computer science, including machine learning, data mining, visualization, and data management. The program also provides experience in important, frontline data science problems in a variety of fields and introduces students to ethical and societal considerations surrounding data science and its applications.


The program's course structure ensures that the students meet the goals of acquiring and integrating foundational knowledge of data science, applying this understanding to specific problems, and appreciating the broader ramifications of data–driven approaches to human activity. An experiential learning component offers students the opportunity to apply their skills to real-world data science problems.(摘录自官网)







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