【斑马博士捷报】布朗大学 Brown University Program in Innovation Management and Entrepreneurship(PRIME)创新管理与创业计划硕士录取!
恭喜斑马博士客户获得布朗大学 Brown University Program in Innovation Management and Entrepreneurship(PRIME)创新管理与创业计划硕士录取!

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恭喜斑马博士客户获得布朗大学 Brown University Program in Innovation Management and Entrepreneurship(PRIME)创新管理与创业计划硕士录取!



offer展示】布朗大学 Brown University Program in Innovation Management and Entrepreneurship(PRIME)创新管理与创业计划硕士

斑马博士,斑马博士留学中心,布朗大学, Brown University, Program in Innovation Management and Entrepreneurship(PRIME),创新管理与创业计划硕士 



【院校介绍】布朗大学 (英语: Brown University, 拉丁语: Universitas Brunensis) 创立于1764年,是美国第七所在建国前成立的大学。坐落于罗得岛州首府普罗维登斯市,布朗大学是一所私立研究型大学,亦是八所常春藤盟校之一。

布朗大学以其小而精的教学理念著称于世,高度重视本科教育和学生的学术写作能力,位列2021U.S. News美国大学本科教育第1名以及2023U.S. News跨学科写作第1名。在综合排名方面,布朗大学位列2023U.S. News全美最佳大学第9名。

除了拥有全美顶级的传统人文社科,布朗大学的应用数学专业位列U.S. News全美第4名,公共政策和全球研究专业位列Niche全美第3名、环境科学专业第4名、公共卫生专业第5名。



【专业解读】Brown University offers a one–year Master of Innovation Management and Entrepreneurship (PRIME) program, a STEM Masters of Science (ScM) degree based in the School of Engineering, with an accelerated schedule that begins in June (summer–fall–spring) for full–time students. The program is designed for students who have an interest in innovation management and/or entrepreneurship. PRIME graduates have secured positions in consulting, investment banking, health/medical companies, information technology, traditional engineering companies, small technology firms and as founders of new ventures.


PRIME students experience the process of creating value from technology, learn how to develop embryonic ideas and execute how to bring these ideas to market. They are equipped with core business skills in finance, strategy, marketing, technology evaluation, decision making, globalization and management are provided to assure venture success. After successfully completing the program, international students may utilize OPT, Optional Practical Training (must complete the program on campus). (摘录自官网)







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