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小客户GPA2.52逆袭斩获杜兰大学Tulane University Master of Business Analytics商业分析硕士录取!




OFFER展示】杜兰大学Tulane University Master of Business Analytics商业分析硕士

 斑马博士,斑马博士留学中心,杜兰大学,Tulane University, Master of Business Analytics,商业分析硕士




【学校介绍】杜兰大学(Tulane University)是美国大学协会(AAU)成员,也是商学院认证AACSB16位发起成员之一。 2023年U.S. News美国最佳大学排名第44。




【专业解读】The mission of the Master of Business Analytics program is to prepare its graduates for careers that allow them to manage and make data-driven decisions. Through dedication to rigorous intellectual and ethical standards and the fostering of close, dynamic interaction among faculty and students, the program aims to develop the specialized expertise necessary to negotiate the subtleties and interdependencies of various markets and organizations in both research and decision-making capacities. Graduates of the program must not only be confident of making significant contributions in analysis, problem solving, risk management, trading, and strategic analysis and planning, but they should be firmly committed to impeccable academic and professional conduct.(摘录自官网)



Bus Analytics Practicum
SQL Data Fund and Bus Intel
Modeling and Analytics
Advanced Spreadsheet Modeling
Bus Stats and Modeling with R
Web Analytics
Adv Modeling and Analytics







以上为斑马博士留学中心整理, 更多咨询可联系助手 UU(微信/电话: 18516215846) Jason (电话/微信:17717381037)免费咨询。