【斑马博士捷报】波士顿大学Boston University(BU)Master of Science in Global Marketing Management(MSGMM)全球营销管理硕士录取!
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Offer展示】波士顿大学Boston UniversityBU)Master of Science in Global Marketing ManagementMSGMM)全球营销管理硕士

 斑马博士,斑马博士留学中心,波士顿大学,Boston University(BU),Master of Science in Global Marketing Management(MSGMM),全球营销管理硕士





学校介绍波士顿大学(Boston University),简称BU,是一所创办于1839年的私立研究型大学,爱国者联盟成员,美国大学协会成员校 。其主校区位于波士顿市中心查尔斯河河畔,医学院校区则设在波士顿市区南边的长木医学区。

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Amidst an ever-evolving social and economic landscape, commercial enterprises are constantly adapting their global marketing strategies to ensure that they are strategically positioned for growth. The Master of Science in Global Marketing Management (MSGMM) at Boston University’s Metropolitan College (MET) prepares you to excel within companies seeking qualified, creative decision-makers with the marketing and research expertise to combine proven techniques with innovative, and digital approaches to reach the international arena. Brands that are thriving, despite the pandemic, are solving immediate needs in people’s lives, providing information, services, and connection to their audiences, including individual consumers and commercial businesses. How do you create value for market players and global society in times of uncertainty? How do you respond to fast-changing, often unpredictable market trends around the world, while maintaining clear communication with diverse, well-informed, and highly digitalized consumers? How can you gather market data for international market selection and marketing strategy development? How do you make the maximum use of digital technologies and platforms? How can you navigate shifts in global marketing and content strategies? How should you reassess budget allocations, channel investments, as well as managing new remote work dynamics? These questions are the focus of the MS in Global Marketing Management at BU MET.(摘录自官网)








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