【斑马博士捷报】帝国理工学院 Imperial College London(IC)BSc Mathematics数学本科录取!
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斑马博士留学中心专门整理了帝国理工学院 Imperial College LondonIC)BSc Mathematics数学的详细的专业解读,供大家参考。



Offer展示】帝国理工学院 Imperial College LondonIC)BSc Mathematics数学本科

 斑马博士,斑马博士留学中心,帝国理工学院, Imperial College London(IC),BSc Mathematics,数学本科

【学校介绍】帝国理工学院(英文:Imperial College London),全称为帝国科学技术与医学学院(Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine),位于英国伦敦,是一所公立研究型大学。帝国理工学院以工程专业而著名。




2021-2022年度,杜克大学名列U.S. News美国最佳大学排名第9位 ,在美国南部居于首位 。世界排名方面,名列2022泰晤士高等教育世界大学排名第23位,2022软科世界大学学术排名第31位 ,2022U.S. News世界大学排名第23位。





This course aims to present you with a wide range of mathematical ideas in a way that develops your critical and intellectual abilities.


You will engage with concepts that are both a direct continuation of those at A-level, and others that introduce you to new ways of thinking.


Your studies will cover the key areas of mathematics such as algebra, analysis, probability and statistics. You'll also explore topics such as the logical structure of arguments, the proper definition of mathematical objects, the design of sophisticated mathematical models, and the legitimacy of computations.


This course will enable you to develop a broad understanding of mathematical theory and application, while also providing opportunities to deepen your knowledge in the mathematical areas that most appeal to you.


You will be able to select from over 50 specialised modules, many of which are linked to our cutting-edge research and led by pre-eminent experts in their fields.


As a graduate in mathematics, you'll possess a set of logical and analytical skills that are highly valued by employers, enabling you to pursue opportunities across the commercial, government and education sectors.(摘录自官网)






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