【斑马博士捷报+录取参考+专业解读】University of Cambridge MPhil in Development Studies(剑桥大学发展研究哲学硕士) Offer
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University of Cambridge MPhil in Development Studies 剑桥大学发展研究哲学硕士专业每年都有很多同学申请,所以斑马博士留学中心专门整理了University of Cambridge MPhil in Development Studies 剑桥大学发展研究哲学硕士这个专业的录取数据,并附上详细的专业解读,供大家参考。

录取背景:C9, 文学本科专业, 均分88, 雅思7.5, 科研一段(科研助手), 实习若干(政府、教育机构等),课外活动丰富。

offer展示:University of Cambridge MPhil in Development Studies 剑桥大学发展研究哲学硕士

学校介绍:University of Cambridge 剑桥大学,G5名校,Times排名#1,QS世界排名#5

专业解读:The MPhil in Development Studies provides an inter-disciplinary training whose content and style have kept abreast with the changing reality of the developing world, and the changing requirements of men and women seeking to make a career in the development field. The course gives its students a firm grounding in political economics relevant to the developing world, including the study of sociology, law, political science, management, economics and anthropology. The inter-disciplinary approach is based on the recognition that together with the analytical rigour required of economists and other social scientists today, no important issue in development poverty and inequality, population qrowth, the construction of the institutions of a market economy, war and human rights, democratisation — can be properly understood without an inter-disciplinary perspective.(摘录自官网)


Development economics

Institutions and development

Sociology and politics of development

Globalisation, business and development

Cities and Development

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