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恭喜斑马博士客户宝宝斩获The University of Warwick PhD in Sociology 华威大学社会学博士的录取 ! 斑马博士留学中心专门整理了The University of Warwick PhD in Sociology 华威大学社会学博士的详细的专业解读,供大家参考。

Offer展示:The University of Warwick PhD in Sociology华威大学社会学博士

The University of Warwick, PhD in Sociology ,华威大学,G5,社会学博士

学校介绍:华威大学 The University of Warwick ,世界百强名校,英国顶尖研究型大学,英国常春藤联盟罗素大学集团成员,QS世界排名#54.

专业解读:Undertaking a research project that spans at least three years* can be a daunting task. you will extend your research skills and your understanding of a wide range of societal and cultural issues. The department will support you as you develop your independent research project. You will gain confidence in carrying out research and you will refine your abilities to work with theories, concepts and methodologies in order to produce new insights into the social world. Postgraduate study will enhance your ability to think about complex problems – and sometimes deceptively obvious and simple ones – and to adopt an analytical and inquisitive stance towards the topic you are studying.(摘录自官网)


  • gender, sexuality and women’s studies
  • health and illness
  • visual sociology
  • traditional media forms and new social media
  • the sociology of science
  • body and society
  • bioethics and bio-power
  • postcolonialism
  • politics and political cultures
  • mourning and the sociology of death and dying
  • racism and ethnicity
  • social and political thought

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