【斑马捷报】University College London(UCL)MA Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) 伦敦大学学院英语教学硕士
恭喜斑马博士客户宝宝斩获University College London(UCL)MA Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) 伦敦大学学院英语教学硕士的offer !

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恭喜斑马博士客户宝宝斩获University College London(UCL)MA Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) 伦敦大学学院英语教学硕士的录取! 斑马博士留学中心专门整理了University College London(UCL)MA Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) 伦敦大学学院英语教学硕士的详细的专业解读,供大家参考。

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University College London,UCL,MA Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages ,TESOL, 伦敦大学学院,英语教学硕士

【Offer展示】University College London(UCL)MA Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) 伦敦大学学院英语教学硕士

学校介绍】UCL、全称:University College London、伦敦大学学院、英国G5顶尖名校、位于英国伦敦、QS 世界排名#7

专业解读】The UCL TESOL MA programme comprises two routes: in-service and pre-service. The TESOL MA (in-service) aims to enhance the career prospects of a second or foreign language teacher and contribute to professional development. Students will explore the latest developments in the theory, policy and practice of TESOL, working with leading experts in the field and other MA students from around the world.(摘录自官网)


  • Fundamentals of Second and Foreign Language Teaching
  • silingualism and Multilingualism
  • biscourse, Society and Culture
  • English in Diverse World Contexts
  • Language at Work: Communication in Professional, Institutional and CulturalContexts
  • Language and Identity
  • Language Testing and Assessment
  • Materials Development for Language Teaching
  • Multimodal Communication
  • Second Language Acquisition
  • Sociolinguistics and Sociocultural Theory
  • Teaching and Researching Speaking and Listening

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