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Yale University MARc Asian Religious Degree耶鲁大学亚洲宗教艺术硕士专业每年都有很多同学申请,所以斑马博士留学中心专门整理了Yale University MARc Asian Religious Degree耶鲁大学亚洲宗教艺术硕士这个专业的录取数据,并附上详细的专业解读,供大家参考。
小斑马不敢居功自傲,OFFER成果主要来自于宝宝的背景、以及original research ideas, 加上小斑马的头脑风暴、背景与优势提升策略,让申请大牛校变得更有可能! 毕竟,高分好学校的申请者比比皆是,只有懂得如何将经历优化、背景提升做到极致的申请者,才能获得更多录取的砝码!
Offer展示:Yale University MARc Asian Religious Degree 耶鲁大学亚洲宗教艺术硕士 + 16500美金奖学金!

学校介绍:Yale 全称 Yale University 耶鲁大学,常春藤联盟成员, US News#3,QS世界排名# 16
专业解读:Attend Yale university life full of vitality, a seminary's unique positioning, cultivate leading the church and the characteristics of the society for its economic and international, and participate in music and art and social justice's commitment to the rigorous academic investigation, company's worship and the formation of the spirit, and the actual participation in various department so that the students in a community, welcome and affirmation of the diversity of people to develop their knowledge and skills
Chinese Buddhism in the middle ages, buddhist meditation practice
Interaction between Indian Buddhism and indigenous culture
Hindu Hinduism in India
Indian art and literature
Chinese Christian theology
Chinese theology and literature
The course also includes east Asian theology and Asian American theology
Buddhist traditions of Tibet and the Himalayas
Sacred geography and pilgrimage
the visual culture of the whole Himalayan region
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