斑马博士如何通过头脑风暴、优势挖掘、 经历包装,让文书更有深度、更有思想、更有特色?
Program Research
在申请之前,我们首先需要做深入的Program Research,再根据Program的特点、concentration/specialization进行文书创作,千万不能写偏,更不能写错!
比如:客户要申请商业分析(BA,Business Analytics)专业,首先我们判断这个BA的方向,是偏向于商业场景,还是金融场景的分析,例如哥伦比亚大学的Business Analytics,芝加哥大学的Analytics,纽约大学的Financial Computing and Data Analytics,杜克大学的Quantitative Management: Business Analytics,由于不同的商业分析专业,课程结构、侧重点有非常大的不同,因此需要对文书中的申请动机、学习目标、职业规划等进行大篇幅的定制化改动!

因此一篇出色的文书是需要做很多Program Research跟专业考量,然后再进行定制化修改!
金融类专业举例: 图一是LSE Accounting and Finance的课程, 图二是爱丁堡 Accounting and Finance的课程, 虽然专业名称一样,但是区别却很大。再引入UCL Management (Finance Pathway)、UCL VCPE、华威Business and Finance、KCL Asset Pricing,、KCL Finance Analytics等, 虽然是申请金融大方向,但是这些专业差别其实非常大,那么又该如何进行文书的定制和修改呢?


项目的内在区别会导致你的PS(职业规划、Learning Goal,Why School,经历引发的思考等等方面)需要做定制化的修改!很难想象,假如你不做Program Research,没有搞清楚会计与金融的区别、职业培养方向,用一份One-size-fits-all的文书通申所有学校,Selector肯定会觉得你连这个专业学的什么都没有搞清楚,既不专业也没诚意。这种逻辑同样适合于其他专业的申请,比如商业心理学/行为心理学/音乐心理学、营销/数字营销/国际营销/新媒体。而斑马博士为每一位客户的每一个专业的文书,都做了定制化的修改!

很多学生经常同时申请同一专业范畴、不同方向的专业,由于专业的侧重点、课程结构差异很大,所以需要对PS进行大篇幅的修改。下面以LSE Management and Strategy与IC Strategic Marketing为例,展示斑马博士如何为学生修改不同学校的文书 (注:PS通篇都需要根据不同学校进行大篇幅修改,这里仅展示PS的第一段,可对比改动篇幅)

LSE MSc Management and Strategy

As my management learning and business practices deepen, I have increasingly realized my desire for advancing my management study and reinforcing my business decision making ability. To thrive in today’s ever evolving business world, it is highly necessary for me to gain a more holistic and fundamental understanding of corporate management, and hone my competency in devising well-rounded management strategies, especially in international firms’ managerial decision-making process. I would like to find the best approach of developing the interconnection and interdependency between putting efforts into innovation and developing resources wisely on what firms already have. By reading wide-ranging management publications, I have been greatly impressed by the cutting-edge management research conducted by a group of business insiders, inspiring me to become one of them who can deliver insightful business insights and sustainable strategies. Particularly, after reading the paper The Modern Firm Organizational Design for Performance and Growth by Roberts J from the Oxford University, I have further realized that in face of escalating global challenges, for instance, the supply chain interruption caused by Covid-19, it becomes increasingly important to make organisational strategy in line with the industry contexts so as to enhance the companies’ international competitiveness, resilience and sustainability under the background of ‘Slowbalisation’. To become a business leader who can lead enterprises to survive these challenges and maintain sustainable prosperity, I urgently need to get further improved in LSE MSc Management and Strategy at this moment.

补充点评:LSE Management and Strategy这个专业,与General Management不太一样,在运用定量技巧、数据模型来优化商业战略,引入管理经济学的学习内容,将经济学的最优化思想与方法论引入到企业资源调度与最优分配、组织运营的优化,所以这篇PS需要兼顾经济学、战略、管理之间的intersection,并且有侧重点地强调自己在这些交叉学科方面的能力与优势,从而maximize你与这个专业的契合度。

IC Strategic Marketing

In freshman year, I joined ▆▆▆ CSSA (Chinese Students And Scholars Association), where I for the first time experienced the incredible power of social media in communicating ideas and inspiring audience worldwide. Since then, I have embarked on an exciting journey with social media marketing. When I took a leadership role at CSSA, I began to deliberate on what kinds of media contents could most increase the influence and share of voice (SOV) of CSSA, whilst realizing contagious communication among our audience. To this end, I made several innovations, such as producing audience-oriented media contents, devising referral and forwarding incentives, and increasing audience engagements via celebrity endorsement and digital applications, such as H5 mini programs, and Vlog. Especially, I empowered social media marketing to benefit followers during the Covid-19 pandemic by establishing Epidemic Reporting Weekly, and providing online psychological counseling and lectures. These endeavors have made me realize that the combination of marketing expertise, innovative thinking and leadership skill will create synergies in enhancing the influence of an organization, and meanwhile make positive impacts on the community. My experiences in ▆▆▆ CSSA have kindled my passions for marketing, driving me to stretch my knowledge and ability in this domain continuously. With this ambition, I attended courses on Coursera, concerning neuromarketing and R, hoping to interpret consumer behaviors from the lens of data and behavioral psychology. Besides, I took wide-ranging internships in high-profile organizations such as CreditEase, WE Communications and Edelman Public Relations. Throughout these practices, I find myself so intrigued by marketing analytics work, ranging from conducting data-driven analysis through statistical methods to understanding the psychological factors manifesting consumer behaviour and market dynamic. Deeply attracted and motivated, I aspire to pursue a graduate program in marketing, allowing me to further my interest and deliver lasting business and social value in the future.

补充点评: IC Strategic Marketing,非常强调创新的数字营销,并且充分强调如何turn data into marketing intelligence, customer insight, and marketing strategies。除了强调创新营销、传播手段的应用,IC还非常注重你的社会责任感,比如PS其中有一题,专门问“how to use your degree to make impacts”, 这也是为什么PS的第一段阐述了申请者如何运用自己的营销、新媒体运营、领导能力来benefit the community的故事,展现了申请者擅长如何用语言、文字、video等传播策略来与目标受众产生互动与共情,这是营销非常强调的。 此外,学习营销,对于消费者洞察需要一定的行为科学、心理学的知识,因此,通过学习Coursera课程,不仅体现了申请者主动学习、不断精进的形象,并且传递一个信息:我学的这些心理学、脑神经、行为科学的知识,可以为接下来的营销学习,带来特别的跨学科优势与跨学科视角。整个PS的第一段,跳出了简单乏味的阐述动机的局限,在阐述为什么要申请营销这个问题的时候,将自己的故事娓娓道来,独特的形象跃然纸上。

